welcome friends

I'm hoping you will enjoy reading the journey to healing. If one person can get something life changing from my story, then I will be happy.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012


As I said I had to go to a follow up appointment. It was a scary thought because I had no idea what would be happening. It turned out to be an evaluation. The lady I met with asked me alot of questions. So we roughly went over my story. And I told her about the hospital which led me to her. She said one of the biggest things I needed help with was grief. Since I had no help with that up until then. She was super nice. And I was comfortable talking to her. I was still very nervous. But she said she wanted to go over my case with the office and figure out who would be best suited to help me. And she asked if I wanted help there or did I have somewhere else in mind? I wanted to go there, because I just wanted to get something started. The sooner the better. So we worked out an appointment. My therapy ended up being with this lady. I was very happy. She is so awesome to talk to. After a few appointments she worked out a treatment plan for me. It covers all the things I had been struggling with. Let me say, no place I had ever been to before ever worked out a treatment plan. It is very important to have someone you click with. It makes it easier to talk when the person your seeing actually listens. My therapist listens to everything I say. I in turn listen to her suggestions. We have honest communication. You will only get out of it what you put into it. I want to be better!!! She is helping to give me a tool kit to draw from when I need to. It will help me to help myself away from her. It's a coping tool kit. I'm happy to have it. She also has said I must take time for myself. That's a tough one. As a wife and mother you end up giving to everyone else. But I am trying to work on that. Even if it's just 30 minutes. Like blogging, that is me time. It's something I do for myself. And I walk my dog everyday. So I have let you know my story and how I got here. From here on out I will talk about my healing. So much great stuff has come out of this for me. I can't wait to share it with all of you. Happy Labor Day! Hope you have spent some time with your families. And take some time to enjoy the simple things.

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