Good day everyone. I am starting the day off once again trying to stay in a positive frame of mind. It seems life just wants to throw stuff at us to see if we will break. Well I still have more fight left in me. Amber is doing well in spite of her accident. She spent the night at her friend's house last night. She is tough. Yesterday was a little crazy trying to figure out a solution to fixing Mike's car. We are only going to tackle one problem at a time. And worry about one day at a time. In our experience over the last few weeks, there is always something else around the corner that you will have to deal with. I am almost positive many of you are going through varies trials and tribulations also. It seems to be the way of the world now. I still want to appreciate all I can, while I can. Even though we can't finish our Christmas shopping, we are just going to roll with it and enjoy family time. After all that's what it's really about anyway. So try to hang in there. And if you can take 10 minutes to yourself and just relax. Listen to some calming music. Ladies take a bubble bath ( they are great for relaxing) Or just have some quiet time. It goes a long way in keeping you from losing your mind all together. Trust me I know.
Thought for today...... We are so busy watching out for what's ahead of us that we don't take time to enjoy where we are.
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